
Friday, 19 February 2016


Music can be the spark that ignites all areas of intellectual, social and emotional development, motor, language and comprehensive ability to read and write. In fact, music is a great organizer who helps the body and mind work together.

Mehndi Dance And Songs has a clear effect on the brain and can certainly increase the number of neural connections. It increases IQ among children who receive regular music instruction. Music intelligence exercises because accustomed to follow the course of several arguments at the same time by forcing follow the various voices or melodies and also helps develop memory.

In addition, the influence on the movement of blood music. Brain cells are kept alive by receiving oxygen through the blood. Therefore, intellectual activity is also related to the supply of oxygen to the brain, helped through music.

Music facilitates learning, develops a sense of order and analysis. also helps develop attention span and concentration and stimulates creativity and imagination

In the brain, the right hemisphere is the music specialist, he is the one who interprets auditory impressions, intonations, distinctions of voices and musical experiences.

The highly organized music, strengthens the connections between neurons, which are also used in time-space activities, children paving the way for later success in such abstract subjects like mathematics. Music helps the child to transform his pre-logical thinking in a logical, because the music gives consciousness of time.

Moreover, by acting on the brain, music can cause sedatives, stimulants, narcotics effects, etc. A clear example of music is soothing lullaby, while an example of stimulating music is marches and dance music.

As we have seen, the music has a clear and significant influence on the brain. A bit of music and stories relieves stress, promotes social interaction stimulates language development and improve motor skills and, consequently, may even help improve the immune system of children.

The opportunity for children to sing katrina kaif songs lyrics - afghan mast jalebi with movements and dance to invent, read or listen to music stories, serves children to learn through physical experience of "hands, ears and active view." No need to be a professional musician even sing always singing to music into the lives of children as well as the passion and joy that we share with the world of sound with them.

Music and singing are important forms of human expression. Music helps people find their personal welfare, drives a comfortable climate and helps them express themselves.You sing with your children will provide them happy and positive experiences, as well as stimulate your brain and encourage learning.


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